WebGL Build:

Known issues:

* VFX doesn't render properly.
* Audio for the knight and wall doesn't work properly.
* Wall doesn't break when you hit the trigger (can walk through it.)

* All of these issues aren't present in the Windows build, I would recommend playing this version or alternatively watching the video.


Space bar to switch to the ghost, pressing space whilst the ghost will allow you to possess enemies.

WASD: To move the player.

Press space: As ghost to return to the Human, the aim is to get to the end of the level as the human using the ghost and your enemies.

As Knight: Left click to do the sword attack.


The game was heavily inspired by The Legend of Zelda, Link's Awakening for the switch.  The games Jam's theme this time was a "helping hand". 

The main objective for the player is to navigate the dungeon and get the human to reach the goal. Using the ability to use your ghost, the player will now take control of the ghost, the ghost has the ability to posses both the human and enemies in the scene. Each enemy has their own unique ability, that the player gets to use whilst possessed. 

This fits the theme perfectly, as the human needs the ghost to help them reach the end. The ghost needs to use the enemies to interact with elements within the dungeon to help the human too. 

The player however, must tactically avoid enemies and when out of sight the player can summon their ghost and posses them. If spotted by the enemy the ghost will be too afraid to appear. 


This is my first proper games jam in Unity.

Game Design Document:



Harry-James Linford: Project lead/Designer.

* Initial concept
* VFX 
* Basic C# programming
* Asset placement and lighting.

Harry-James Linford Portfolio

Jayesh Modhwadia: Lead programmer.

Lead programmer, main character, ghost, swapping functionality.
* Enemy programming.
Jayesh Modhwadia Portfolio

Nick Harding: Camera designer/programmer

* Cinemachine cameras creating a tilt shift effect.

Nick Harding Portfolio
Laura Minns: Art Director/2D artist.

* All 2D assets including UI
* Character, ghost, enemy and environment concepts.

Laura Minns Portfolio

Ebony Asquith: 3D artist.

* All 3D assets
* 2D Textures 

Ebony Asquith Portfolio

 Full Playthrough:

Original Build:

Here is a video showing the original build of the game, it's nice to see the difference. 

Updated 5 hours ago
Published 11 days ago
PlatformsWindows, HTML5
AuthorHarry-James Linford


HauntedHelperBuild.zip 20 MB
HHWindowsBuild.zip 44 MB