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Hi Indee, I've been looking at a way to make a web browser version, it's currently not possible on Unreal Engine 5. I primarily use Unreal Engine 5 for my projects. 

So if that's the case I won't be able to participate in future Jams, which honestly is a shame. I hope this can be rectified whether you will allow games to be submitted as a windows build (as I have done). Alternatively if UE5 implements a method to do so then I would make a web build. 

Please let me know how you want to proceed with this occasion. 

Just a heads up, you need a web build for the game jam. But a 3D game must've been hard to do in a week. And the game's pretty good, it would be nice to have a tutorial, even if it's just floating buttons at points in the game, like when you first encounter the box, some text saying "E to pull." I ended up getting stuck after the elevator, I think because I forgot to bring the box with me. Other than that it was a bit laggy, and I could hear my compute roaring lol. Cool game!

Hi indee, thanks for the kind response. Yeah me and my friend decided very early on what the concept was.

I decided to make it a 2.5D game with some blueprint collision boxes that allow the player to use 3D movement. This may cause some of the issues with the box getting stuck as well. (UE5 physics for me are still a bit tempremental I have a lot to learn). It's why I implemented the R/reset button as ideally I want people to finish the game but the box can be unpredictable at times. 

It definitely will need some optimisations. But again tried to pack as much as I could into the game with the allotted time. 

As for the tutorial i agree, a few people had trouble working stuff out as well as the teleporter was a thing (would of liked to implement a cutscene to show the teleporter activating, ran out of time). 

I'll have to look at trying to make a Web build. Usually when I make projects I just make them as I have here, as a Windows.exe. File. 

Thanks for the kind words again.